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Fiction Writing

# Created: 2022-07-02; Modified: 2022-07-02

Bootstrap the Learning

Writing is arguably the easiest art form, in a physical sense: one only needs to copy his thoughts directly to a paper (or a typewriter) to write. Here I use the word “copy” because our thoughts are naturally formed as words. That’s why we can only think in terms of the language we choose.

However, this nature of writing also makes it the hardest to learn, because it requires us to think differently, without offering us a different context to “grow” that thinking method (for other art forms, that can be an instrument, a paint brush).

For many, this obstacle is interpreted as a lack of talent. But really it’s only about how to start thinking differently. And that painful (or exhilarating) transition can be shortened by giving it a context to grow.

Apart from these methods, it’s also important to shake off a few negative mentalities:

Deadlines are good for pushing your rational mind, but it is toxic to your subconcious mind, which is where you want to build your new circuit.

Instead, try to think of writing practice as a game. Having fun should always be mandatory.

You are learning to freely develop fictional stories, much like learning to walk as an enfant. It’s like creating a new department in your brain corporation. It doesn’t matter if this department is doing a first-tier job in the beginning.

Novelty of a Novel

Other Qualities of a Good Novel
