Uncategorized Brain Farts
# Created: 2020-12-18; Modified: 2024-01-12
- Language dissolves illusion.
- Is “car washing” scene necessary for narrative, or they are just shooting it for its look? That’s image exploitation!
- Hide key under the carpet, a conspiracy shared by creators and theives.
- How to fake an opinion? Ranking shits.
- Two equivalent system can’t simulate each other in equal time, hence we think of each other as intellectual being.
- Descriptive metaphors are in fact cubism.
- Brain is only sensitive to difference.
- Audio tone, curve, fraction, idea. They are myths.
- Game time should be standardized, like movies.
- Advanced mathematics is like SDK.
- Occupied melody: fire alarm, police siren
- Art is against taxonomy, in its pursuit for “uniqueness”
- In silent movie they use higher frame rate to make people look funny, “fast pacer has no dignity”.
- Data to engineer is like gravity to architect.
- Game / movie consumption is a unique category in its mixture of experience and possession.
- Computer science is a subject with little respect to history, a subject with no secret.
- Any life procedure costs.
- 画衰败梅枝,现代画假阳具,咏物志的变迁
- Analyzing Music is similar to reading code (HN)
- Students with a bachelor’s degree in music can directly enter the computer science master’s program. (NIU)
- Playing music prepared them for focusing on the low-level details while holding the big picture in their head. (“The Dream Machine” by Waldrop)
- Dream is a way to defend territory of visual vortex. (Times)
- Seductive gay pictures are not NSFW once you’re openly out.
- Cat can act like human, man can act unlike human, there must be a “Human Index” somewhere in our brain.
- Sound vector of words, in specific, numbers: Alpha/Bravo, 动/拐.
- Face is the organ of soul.
- You should write
InRange(lo, val, hi)
instead of InRange(lo, hi, val)
. (Semantically ordered arguments should be lexically ordered too)
- Cash has become more vulnerable than digital money.
- A weird hypothesis is that a dream might not even be a story until you wake up — like a wave function collapse of abstract brain activity. Freud wrote about a man being jolted awake by his headboard falling on his neck the very moment he had been guillotined in a dream, and I think most of us have examples.
- 搜索 -> sōu suǒ -> ou uo
- Doctors don’t have enough negative feedback. Unsatisfied patients will just turn to a different doctor.
- Sensitive keywords form a sensitive tissue.
- Database is like a car, E.g. distributed database ~ Bus, In-memory ~ Race car
- 地铁和公车,公车打开思绪
- 人的智力也是有高低之分的,如果说我比较聪明,你比较笨,那么在决策上我是否会因为多出了脑力而得到一些特权呢
- We can evaluate the level of knowledge retainment of a system by how well it can decompress/restore lossy information.
- Super-resolution imaging uses ML visual knowledge
- Pixel art uses human visual knowledge
- Bionic Reading (a speed reading technique that only highlights word prefixes) takes advantage of language grammar and common combination of words
- LineByLine (a memorization technique that strips part of word suffix), human memory is used to “decompress” the partial text
- 对着镜子流口水,重力逆转了
- git stash poop
- 爱抚电动车的坐垫 (2023-07-05)
- ’/’ = and/or = (and and or)/(and or or)
- 男人/女人/孩子,性格的三种成分 (2023-03-17)
- 被蚊子强吻了 (2023-09-05)
- 男人的不应期是背誓的预演,当潮水退却。(2023-10-22)
- 扔掉答案,一份永远不会被回答的试题 (整理试卷的时候)
- 脚本里黑黢黢地 pwd